Join one of Shadrack’s monthly mentoring meet-ups. Exclusively reserved for only nine (9) participants, cohort members would have 90 minutes to ask Shadrack any question pertaining to his expertise domains.
Domains include :
* Academics/Educational Pursuit Inquiry
* Starting and running a nonprofit
* Working in development (and global health) in Africa
* Fundraising
* Writing research papers (global health, development, nonprofit)
* Public speaking
Time : Saturdays @ 5:00 – 6:30pm UTC
The current cohort is full. Register your interest here and we will contact you to enroll when seats open again for the next available cohort.
If you’d like to get Shadrack’s advice on the topics above, fill this brief interest alignment form and we will be in touch shortly. Fill this form.
Wondering how to start a nonprofit, engage stakeholders, hire teams, and build a career of impact? It can certainly seem intimidating and confusing – starting Cocoa360 in his early 20s in an area with limited internet and electricity showed Shadrack that. Yet, 7 years in, he has distilled many lessons that he’d be happy to share with you so you don’t struggle as he had to. Fill this brief interest alignment form and we’ll be in touch shortly. Fill this form.
Fundraising can be daunting – Shadrack has raised over $4M for Cocoa360 so he can relate. Yet, it needn’t be if you are set on executing an impactful social enterprise or nonprofit. Fill this brief interest alignment form and we’ll be in touch shortly. Fill this form.
Struggling with where to get started, research topics to focus on, how to write a publishable manuscript, or revise reviewer feedback? Writing 8+ papers in one year showed Shadrack that it takes more than having a good topic. There’s more, and he’d love to show you how you can get it done. Fill this brief interest alignment form and we’ll be in touch shortly. Fill this form.
Shadrack has shared panels and stages with several top leaders, including President Bill Clinton, Sec. Hillary Clinton, Bill Gates, etc, to 50 – 5000+ audiences in Africa, Europe, the U.K., and the U.S. He has also worked and moderated sessions for high school students and corporate employees. Chances are you may have landed on this page from an article or YouTube video of one of his speaking engagements. For us to gauge if you would be a good fit to work with Shadrack, send us a note here!
University admissions and scholarship Guidance : Shadrack no longer consults for college/university admissions and scholarships. But don’t despair – his widely-acclaimed 8-part, self-paced course is still available! Join the hundreds of students who have used the course’s principles to win millions of dollars in scholarships and acceptances at top schools. Enroll here.